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Jai Shri Mataji!

Sharing news, events and Mother's blessings

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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.


Farewell to our beloved Caretakers


After 19 years of dedicated service our much respected and loved Balmoral Caretakers Simon and Gabriel Marlow have decided to move to new circumstances and have left their service to Shri Mataji as Her caretaker for Her Balmoral Ashram and Collective property. 

The Trust on behalf of the Collective wishes to acknowledge their dedicated service in their care and love of Shri Mataji's property. Whenever the Collective attend Balmoral for a collective event the property is always immaculately cared for and looked after. 

The lawns are mowed and manicured, there is not a piece of litter or clutter and they have constantly come behind the collective tidying up when perhaps we have not left Balmoral as we have found it. Gabriel and Simon always have a beaming smile and good-natured welcoming laugh for all their time as caretakers. 

We wish them the best of luck for the future and the next chapter of their lives and again a big thank you for all they have offered to Shri Mataji.

Applications for those interested in serving as new Caretakers for Balmoral are most welcome. 

Please contact the LETA Trustees by email at:

Will bequests to Sahaja Yoga


We often receive inquiries from Yogis who would like to leave something in their Will for Sahaja Yoga.  In response a Will Bequest procedure has recently been created to assist those wanting to provide something.

A bequest is a planned gift to Sahaja Yoga to continue to support Shri Mataji’s work and Her legacy.

By leaving a gift in your Will to Sahaja Yoga via Life Eternal Trust Australia you can support the needs of Sahaja Yoga and play a continuing part to support Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia into the future.

It is never too early to start thinking about a charitable gift in your will. Now could be the perfect time to create your legacy.


Please visit this link for more information 


100th Birthday Commemoration Public Programs
Australia-wide 2023

Jai Shri Mataji!

The amazing 21 Day global multi-lingual online public programs are well underway and we thank all those Yogis involved here and overseas in bringing that amazing initiative to fruition as a 100th Birthday gift offering to Shri Mataji. (More about the 21 Day programs.)

National 100th Birthday Commemoration programs

We are pleased to also share that 9 special 100th Birthday Commemoration public programs will occur around the country, starting with a fantastic program already held in Perth on 4th March, through to 1st April in South Australia

Full details in this newsletter:

  • Commemorating 100 Years public website.

  • Invitation to all yogis.

  • Photos from Perth program.


Read full message





With Nirmal Love,

The Australian Council




"...Celebrating this earthly birthday of Mine,"

"All the sahaja yogis who have come here, all the other people who have joined us here, who are celebrating this earthly birthday of Mine, I am very thankful, very grateful and I am filled with great joy and happiness. And my vibrations are flowing from My eyes as tears to see that, in this Kaliyuga also, there are people who are grateful to a Mother who just gives a abstract thing known as vibrations."


Shri Mataji - Birthday Puja: Understanding Sahaja Yoga Through Heart Mumbai March 21st, 1977





Shri Mataji’s Birthday – Morning Burwood Ashram Sydney 21st March 2021

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Passing of Marillyn Fogarty
8 April 1937 - 2 March 2023

Jai Shri Mataji!

It is with great sadness that we report the peaceful ending of Marillyn’s life on Thursday 2 March.



Aunty Marillyn with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -Taronga Zoo Sydney 1981

Aunty Marillyn received her self-realisation in 1980 and was one of the founding yogis of the Australian Sahaja Yoga collective. She was universally loved and respected for a life of devotion to Shri Mataji and for her kindness and loyalty to her friends and family.

Ever cheerful and sociable, she had a gift for making and keeping a large number of friends wherever she was. Marillyn had the ability to encourage, reassure and support those she befriended.

Aunty Marillyn was one of those rare people who implicitly understood the importance of the search for inner meaning and life’s true purpose. She was a Sahaja yogini in every respect.

This is a sad moment for anyone who knew Aunty Marillyn; the time was too short as it always is with those who are loved and cherished. We pay tribute to Aunty Marillyn for her devotion to Shri Mataji and her consistent kindness to the people in her life.

On behalf of many, many people, our immense gratitude for the privilege of observing a life well lived.



Aunty Marillyn with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – 1981

May her soul rest in everlasting peace and tranquillity at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother.

Michael Fogarty (with contribution from Chris)




“You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are the spirit, and this is the greatest truth.” 
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Passing of Marillyn Fogarty
8 April 1937 - 2 March 2023

Funeral Service

Jai Shri Mataji!

There will be a celebration of Aunty Marillyn’s life to be held on:

Friday 17 March 2023 at 2 pm 
Magnolia Chapel, Macquarie Park Crematorium,
Cnr Plassey & Delhi Roads, North Ryde Sydney
Google map

The ceremony will be followed by a small reception.

Uncle Michael and family invite you all to attend.


Read more about the passing of Aunty Marillyn and recollections from Sahaja yogis about her life here.



Aunty Marillyn with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – India Tour procession 1981

With Nirmal Love,

The Australian Council and Life Eternal Trust Australia


Read online message




“You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are the spirit, and this is the greatest truth.” 
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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International Easter Puja & Seminar 2023

Saturday 1st April to Sunday 9th April, 2023
Puja, Seminar & Wellness Camp
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Balmoral Ashram
233 Railway Parade, Balmoral Village, NSW Australia

(100kms south west of Sydney – Getting to Balmoral)




Jai Shri Mataji!

We look forward to hosting our brothers and sisters and sharing a wonderful time during Easter. It really is such a precious opportunity for all of us to spend time together in the vibrated natural surrounds, meditating, enjoying and worshipping our Holy Mother.



All the information you need about attending this Auspicious event, including registration forms can be found on the Puja website:

With love,
The Australian Council


Read the full message


“He was created as an egg. It is written in this book, which perhaps was written 14,000 years back. It’s a book that predicts about Christ and that is why people in the West, at Easter especially, offer an egg to each other as a friend.”
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –  Easter Puja 1982, London

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Cabella requires volunteer support from the Sangha

Jai Shri Mataji!

We have received the invitation below from the Shri Mataji Foundation in Cabella requesting yogis to join the Cabella team as voluntaries  in various roles to support and maintain Shri Mataji’s Cabella’s home, the surrounding areas and other supporting roles.

We are also sharing a beautiful video of “Dawn to Dusk | A Special Day in Cabella Ligure”.

With love,
The Australia Council




Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jai Shri Mataji

The year 2023 marks a momentous moment in the history of Sahaja Yoga and humanity as the centenary of the birth of our Beloved Mother and Guru Shri Mataji.

On this occasion in addition to the normal planning, works and maintenance, many projects of renovation, embellishments and care of Shri Mataji’s Castle and Her properties are taking place to express our most deep and full dedication and love towards Her, Her heritage and Her vision.

Let us take this moment as an opportunity to gather together Sahaja yogis and yoginis from around the world in the land of Cabella to volunteer for a short or long term and experience the blissful and joyful times through collective work.

All skills and backgrounds are welcome, yet if you happen to have skills in one or more of the following fields it would greatly help our current needs:

  •  Gardening

  •  Building

  •  Painting

  •  Communication/Photo/Film

  •  Sustainability

  •  IT professional


With love,
Shri Mataji Foundation in Cabella


Read the full message & watch video

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Life Eternal Trust Website













Dear Sahaja Yoga family 

Jai Shri Mataji!


Warm greetings and best wishes to all of Shri Mataji’s Australian children. 

The LETA / LEPA Trustee-Directors wish to announce an Updated Leta 

News Website which includes recent required amendments to policies, 

along with information we hope you will find interesting. 




The website is offered with love and great appreciation to HH Shri Mataji 

and all Yogis and your many contributions to Mother's advent of Sahaja Yoga.


We hope the site will answer any questions, and give a clear picture about the

 roles, responsibilities, and necessary tasks the Trustee-Directors and the many

 unseen volunteers working in the background provide to ensure we operate 

in compliance and adhere to Shri Mataji's advice.


The guidance from Mother and our required policies are designed to allow us all 

to enjoy the collectivity, our properties, and our beautiful Sahaja family in a

 relaxed and confident manner, growing in Her loving attention.






The Website includes:






















The site also includes information,

the Registration Access and 

Updates for the upcoming 

Music of Joy 2023 India Tour. 


Please visit us at:


Best wishes 

from Sue, Adam, John, Suhas, Hari, Chris and Craig

LETA / LEPA Trustee-Directors

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CLARIFICATION: The message sent from 'Sahaja Yoga Australia National News for Yogis' - 15th September, relates to the Yog Dhara Tour being arranged by European Yuva Shakti Musicians.  The MOJ India Tour arrangement for Australian Yogis are being organised by the Indian National Trust and Life Eternal Trust Australia.  (See message at bottom of page.)

Latest updates and information will be placed here.  Please check regularly.

CLARIFICATION: The message sent from 'Sahaja Yoga Australia National News for Yogis' - 15th September, relates to the Yog Dhara Tour being arranged by European Yuva Shakti Musicians.  The MOJ India Tour arrangement for Australian Yogis are being organised by the Indian National Trust and Life Eternal Trust Australia.  (See message at bottom of page.)

Latest updates and information will be placed here.  Please check regularly.

CLARIFICATION: The message sent from 'Sahaja Yoga Australia National News for Yogis' - 15th September, relates to the Yog Dhara Tour being arranged by European Yuva Shakti Musicians.  The MOJ India Tour arrangement for Australian Yogis are being organised by the Indian National Trust and Life Eternal Trust Australia.  (See message at bottom of page.)

Latest updates and information will be placed here.  Please check regularly.

To celebrate Shri Mataji’s 100th Advent  

Music of Joy India Tour 2023


Music of Joy Tours of India



All are welcome

With the blessing of our Divine Mother the Indian collective invites you for 100th Advent Music of Joy India Tour 2023 and to celebrate Mother’s 100th Birthday Puja in Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh. The dates are February 28th – 21st March 2023.

The Music of Joy Tour will start in Bangalore Southern India of India, travel through India and finally will end the tour in Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh the birth place of H.H. Shri Mataji. We are trying to keep the total costs for the tour manageable, including transport, accommodation, food which we will share once they are available.

The purpose of this tour and Puja is to bring Shri Mataji’s Children together in the atmosphere of pure Love and Divine vibration so that we all could reverentially offer our gratitude to Her Holiness Mataji Nirmala Devi, The redeemer of mankind.  Through the tours arranged at this time we are planning to give realization hopefully to 500,000 seekers.

Please come and join us to spread love and realization across the Land of Saints.  We will also offer some sightseeing tours and short trips to different places of interest and sacred sites, places of natural beauty and Swayambhus that are permeated by divine vibrations as can be arranged.

Come immerse yourself in this collective journey and share the blessing and vibrations of the experience. This tour is meant for Sahaja Yogis of all age groups.

If you are planning to come, please find the necessary information, inspiration, and fill out the registration form

and also subscribe to the

WhatsApp group 100th Advent India Tour

With lots of Nirmal Love,

India Tour 2023 Coordinating Team

National Trust of India

Life Eternal Trust Australia

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100th Advent Music of Joy India Tour 2023

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European Yuva Musicians Yogdhara - Separate Tour from MOJ


Please click on the link below to lodge your registration

click on LINK to watch the video


Please Email a photo or scanned copy of your Passport ID Page to this secure address:

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Please contact us at this email:

To help us keep in touch please join:


WhatsApp group 100th Advent India Tour

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CLARIFICATION:   Yog Dhara Tour is by European Yuva Shakti Musicians which is seperate from the Australian MOJ Tour.


From: Swapnil Dhayade  
Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 3:10 AM
Subject: Re: 2023 INDIA TOUR

Dear Chris


Thanks for sharing it with us. Information will really help.


The Yog Dhara Tour is by European Yuva Shakti Musicians. See the flyer attached. They do not have a fixed group like MoJ, They have to advertise to get the yuva musicians. MoJ does not need such publicity.


We will just need to communicate with state coordinators in India and guide hosting cities. We will do PR activity for promoting the concerts.


Your ideas are welcome.

Jai Shri Mataji



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International Easter Puja 2022

Puja, Seminar & Wellness Camp

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Balmoral Ashram
233 Railway Parade, Balmoral Village, NSW Australia
(100kms south west of Sydney)


Wellness Camp

Sunday 10th to Thursday 14th April 2022

Daily Online Meditations

Sunday 10th to Sunday 17th April 2022

Easter Puja & Seminar

Friday 15th to Sunday 17th April 2022 (Sydney time)

Next Online Event

Live streaming of daily meditations, Havan, Music programs and Puja will be available online here.

Invitation to Shri Mataji

To our Dearest Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,


We, the Sahaja Yogis of Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines, humbly request Your attendance at the International Easter Puja to be offered to You on the 17th of April 2022 at Your Balmoral Ashram in Australia.

Mother, through this Puja, may You bring peace and forgiveness amongst all the Sahaja Yogis and all the people of the world.

Mother, please bless us with Your Divine presence as we seek to humbly worship You in Your form as Lord Jesus Christ and please allow us to establish His qualities within our beings.

Mother, we thank You again and again for our second birth as Sahaja Yogis and we pray that we may absorb Your Divine vibrations through this Puja, so that we may be instruments of Divine peace, forgiveness and tranquility.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Your devoted Children of the hosting countries from Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

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Condolences on the occasion of the passing of Aldo Gandolfi 

21th May 1936 to 20th Sept 2021



Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

Australia acknowledges the passing of Sir Aldo Gandolfi former President of the World Foundation and National Coordinator for Italy.


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Born in Alessandria on 21 May 1936, Aldo Ji had a distinguished career serving as a long-time Director of the Olivetti.


Aldo had a successful political career as a member of the National Direction of the Italian Republican Party from 1967 to 1992, Regional Councilor of the Piedmont Region and as a Member of the National Parliament 1987-'88 -'89. From 1994 to June 2002 he was first a member of the Secretariat and then President of the Action Movement "Justice and Freedom".

From 2005, Aldo Ji was the President of the Sahaja Yoga World Foundation and the National Italian Coordinator during the period of time when Shri Mataji was resident in Cabella and Genoa where he helped to provide everything needed for the comfort of Our Mother during which time he developed a deep and personal relationship with all the Australian Yogis called to that service.

On behalf of our collective, we wish to express our love, appreciation and unlimited respect for our great friend and respected elder Sir Aldo Gandolfi whose death is a profound loss not only to his family, but to the world Sahaja collective. 

We know that no words can really help to ease the pain and loss we collectively bear when such a great saint and visionary leader departs his family and friends. 

The Italian collective must know that they are very close in our thoughts and prayers at this time. We pray that Our Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi will comfort you all and will sustain you both during this time of loss and for the future.

During our days when Adlo Ji was the National Coordinator of Italy, and we were service for Our Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi while resident in Italy, the Australian Yogis who were also in Shri Mataji's service were in constant daily contact with Aldo Ji. 

We used to be involved in deep and significant exchanges, dialogue and working together as brothers to serve Shri Mataji. There was nothing that we could not ask of Adlo Ji in this service that he would not do to the utmost of his ability in that service.

Times spent with such brothers working side by side in the service of Shri Mataji will stay with us forever and will never be forgotten. Aldo Ji dedicated his entire life to uphold the noble values of Sahaja Yogis, of spiritual enlightenment, companionship, tolerance, equality and justice. 

Aldo Ji was a remarkable man who championed the cause for Sahaja Yoga Italy where he paid special attention to the needs of the Italian collective. Yet Aldo Ji was a father figure to us all. 

It is part of the reason as to why he was universally held in such high esteem and loved the world over. Aldo Ji was a morally visionary leader, righteous, with a glowing personality who made a remarkable contribution

every single day of his life. He has left an indelible footprint in the history of our Sahaja world collective as he built a better world for all our collective.

In sanctifying his memory, we will always value his friendship, his guidance, his frankness and his infectious personality and his deep sense love for all Sahaja Yogis. We are certain that many of us will seek to emulate his exemplary life in bringing about a just and better Sahaja World as a son who faithfully served Shri Mataji to the best of his abilities. 

It is said that those who we love never truly go away. Their visionary life is with us always every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, loved, missed and very dear, bring hope always.

We pray that Shri Mataji will receive Aldo Ji soon in heaven and may She send Her Angels down from on high above to carry his soul upwards and to give sweet peace within all our hearts and surrounding us with the eternal love of Our Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

Sincerely National Coordinator and Trustees.

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Happy Shri Ganesha Chaturthi!


This Weekend's Festivities

Friday 10th to Sunday 12th September 2021

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

On this Auspicious day, we recognise the Birthday of Lord Shri Ganesha and the start of this weekend's International Shri Ganesha Festivities which starts with this evening's Entertainment program at 9am, Sydney time.

Birthday of Lord Shri Ganesha

This Weekend's International Shri Ganesha Festivities

Video: "Today we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesha."

Details and links to YouTube live and recorded events are also on the Puja website.


Please note, our usual Saturday online collective program is replaced by the weekend's festivities... enjoy!

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(Painting of Shri Ganesha by brother Siva from Malaysia)

Birthday of Lord Shri Ganesha

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HH Shri Mataji - Shri Ganesha Puja Burwood Ashram Sydney 1981


"Today we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesha. You all know the story of His birth and I need not repeat it. But, as He was created by the Mother only, by Adi Shakti, in the same way you are all created after Him.

H.H Shri Mataji Shri Ganesha Puja Austria August 26th, 1990

(Link to this Talk below)

Shri Ganesha Puja website

This Weekend's

International Shri Ganesha Festivities

Friday 10th to Sunday 12th September 2021

Day 8


Hosted by Andorra

Friday 10th Sept 3PM (Sydney time)

Day 8


(First program)

Friday 10th Sept 9PM (Sydney time)

Day 9


Hosted from Singapore

Saturday 11th Sept 5PM (Sydney time)

Day 9


(Second program)

Saturday 11th Sept 8PM (Sydney time)

Day 10


Hosted from Gidgegannup Ashram (near Perth),

Sunday 12th Sept 5PM (Sydney time)

Day 11 to Day 16

Daily morning meditations by hosting countries

Mon 13th to Sat 18th 2021

Full details and links to YouTube live and recorded sessions on website

Video: "Today we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesha."













H.H Shri Mataji Shri Ganesha Puja Austria August 26th, 1990

"Today we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesha. You all know the story of His birth and I need not repeat it. But, as He was created by the Mother only, by Adi Shakti, in the same way you are all created after Him.

So, you are on the path of Shri Ganesha already. Your eyes sparkle the same way His eyes sparkle. You all have the beautiful glow on your face as He had.

Whether you are small, big or old makes no difference. All the beauty comes to us through the glow of Shri Ganesha. If He’s satisfied, then we don’t have to worry about any other deities, because the power of all the deities is Shri Ganesha. He’s like a vice-chancellor sitting on every chakra. Unless and until He signs, Kundalini cannot cross through, because Kundalini’s the Gauri and is the Virgin Mother of Shri Ganesh."    H.H Shri Mataji Shri Ganesha Puja Austria August 26th, 1990

(Full Transcript with Video and Audio)

We look forward to joining the world collective in celebrating Lord Shri Ganesha's birthday through the worship of our Divine Mother, Her Holiness Shri MatajiNirmala Devi.

Jai Shri Mataji!

With Love,


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The chart above describes the countries representing the various aspects of the Virata

(chakras of the world) as advised by Her Holiness.

Downloads are provided for sharing.  

A4 size Lo Res PDF 620KB    and    Large Format PDF 43.5MB for posters or banners

© 2013 by Sahaja Yoga Australia

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